How to Pay a Ticket

How do you wish to plead on the citation?

Guilty: Guilty means that you admit to having done what you are charged with. It is likely that you will be sentenced immediately. The judge may take into consideration your prior driving record and any explanation you wish to give. Any determination of fines and assessments will be made by the judge at that time.

No Contest: By pleading no contest you do not admit guilt and therefore no one can use that plea against you in any subsequent trial or hearing whether it is criminal or civil in nature. In a no contest plea you admit that the allegations contained in the complaint or citation are true, but only for the purpose of this hearing. If the judge accepts your plea of no contest and there are sufficient allegations contained in the citation, you will be found guilty. The judge may take into consideration your prior driving record, the officer's written report, and any explanation you wish to give. Any determination of fines and assessments will be made by the judge at that time.

Not Guilty: Not guilty means you deny having done one or more elements contained in the offense or that you have a justifiable excuse for doing what you have done. If you plead not guilty, the matter will be set for trial at some date in the future. You may enter a not guilty plea in writing either in person or by mail. If by mail, the court must receive your written plea prior to your court date.

Go to the Pay a Ticket page for additional methods of payment.