Capital Improvement Program

A Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a major public infrastructure and planning tool. The CIP is an adopted  document  of the City's policies and financial abilities to manage the physical development of the community. The development of a multi-year CIP provides a systematic plan for providing infrastructure improvements within a prioritized framework.
The City of Coburg combines components of several master planning documents to comprise its CIP. For example, the Transportation System Plan lists the transportation projects.  The Coburg Water Master Plan, Coburg Parks and Open Space Master Plan, and Wastewater Master Plan contain respective projects, etc.
The CIP sets a target schedule within which public improvements are proposed to be undertaken based on estimates of future capital needs that may be funded given projected revenue estimates. The CIP projects are reviewed and revised annually as part of the Budget process.
There are several benefits of developing and adopting a Capital Improvement Program. Not only does the CIP become a management tool for the City Council and City staff, a CIP also provides valuable information to the citizens, developers and businesses who are interested in the development of the community. The CIP components will assist in leveraging available resources through improved timing of projects, and coordinating City projects with those of other public or private entities.
Despite the many benefits of capital improvement programming, it is important to highlight the fact that this is a working  guide. Changes can occur for many reasons. Revenues can fluctuate as a result of changing economic conditions or shifts in public policy. Funding opportunities may unexpectedly arise.  Private economic decisions can also affect the timing, scale and location of capital projects. Finally, community objectives are difficult to set and may be altered during the budget process when priorities are often revised.
In summary, a CIP should reflect community assets, community needs, and community goals. A CIP should also provide guidelines for growth and development.